In the movie Seven Pounds, Ben Thomas is an IRS agent who is living every day with the fact that he killed his wife and six other people in a car accident. Throughout the movie Ben is looking for people who need and deserve his help. Ben has flashbulb memories of the car accident and you can feel the pain that Ben is suffering. Ben becomes friends with a women, Emily Pose who he is auditing. Emily has cognitive heart failure and Ben helps her around her house and with her dog. Ben is depressed in this movie but there is something about Emily that is lifting his spirits. In the beginning of this movie Ben is telling the audience about how the first time he saw a boxed jellyfish he was 12,and he would never forget his father telling him how they were the most deadliest jellyfish. Ben lived in a house by the ocean, he later moves into a motel and brings his jelly fish with him. Ben's goal is to change the lives of seven people. This movie is about a man who has made a mistake and does everything in his power to make up for it.
Seven Pounds is a perfect movie to analyse and break down into different parts of psychology. There are flash bulb memories due to a traumatic event. The mood disorder is depression. There are more psychological problems with the characters than physical. Behaviorist would have a Field day with Ben Thomas.
I felt like Ben was carrying this poisonous jellyfish around to remind him of death. Ben would not let himself move on. He looked at his phone for a split second and caused a major car accident. This guilt led into major depression. When Ben would fall asleep he would dream about the accident, you could see that he was not sleeping well.
This is a very good movie and I agree that is is a perfect example of someone in a depressed state.